Vital Statistics

Population Trends

As of 2021 the region's population increased by 1.6% since 2016, growing by 20,179. Population is expected to increase by 1.6% between 2021 and 2026, adding 20,794.

Job Trends

From 2016 to 2021, jobs declined by 1.3% in the New North region from 668,749 to 659,863. This change fell short of the national growth rate of 1.8% by 3.1%.

Unemployment Rate Trends

New North had an June 2022 unemployment rate of 3.21%, increasing from 3.10% 5 years before.

National Data

Real Gross Domestic Product

(Based on 2012 Dollars to adjust for inflation)

Real gross domestic product chart for the new north region

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, NAM calculations using Moody’s Analytics simulation model

Contributions to Percentage Change in Second Quarter 

2020 Real GDP Growth

Contributions to Percentage Change in Second Quarter in gross domestic product for new north region

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Actual and Predicted Manufacturing Production Growth

(NAICS, 2012=100)

Actual and Predicted Manufacturing Production Growth in the new north region

Source: Federal Reserve Board, NAM calculations using Moody’s Analytics simulation model

Moody’s Analytics Economic Model, August 2020 Baseline

Moody’s Analytics Economic Model, August 2020 Baseline

Real Nonresidential Fixed Investment, Actual and Forecast, 2016-2022

(in Billions of Chained 2012 Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates)

Real Nonresidential fixed investment graphic of actual data from 2016 through 2020 and projections for 2021 and 2022

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, NAM calculations using Moody’s Analytics simulation model

Recession Dates

Recession date chart for the new north region